
Donata Poplawska

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Living in Europe

European patriotism

von Donata Poplawska, 2010

European patriotism is important for young people, since they are building a Europe "Europe is our future" Can we feel the Europeans? A serious question but with an easy answer. Each of us perceives the word "home" differently. For some it is their home town to the others country or even the whole world. But the German or Polish or Czech, always say that, YES, Europe is my home! Each seeks to create a bond between European countries. We refer them to m, In, thanks to these workshops in Bad Marienberg, where we all have the opportunity to learn about our culture, traditions and views. We refer the knowledge and suddenly we begin to understand that after all we are from one region - EUROPE! The European Union only helps us do that! What unites us is the common currency, open borders and a common goal - good for Europe.

I can feel like a European, because there I was born and raised. We should strive for friendship and cooperation of nations. For equality, since each country has its own contribution to the development of the entire world culture. I would like everyone could live in harmony, and Europe is open to all nations. “If Europe were once united in the sharing of its common inheritance there would be no limit to the happiness, the prosperity, and the glory which its 300,000,000 or 400,000,000 people would enjoy” (Winston Churchill, 1946)

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